To end my last night as a 20 year old, I thought it'd be nice to skim through my journals and write out a few key takeaways that have helped me through these last 365 days.
- Conquering fear is not a one time event, but an everyday battle. Keep praying, keep fighting, and don't shrink back.
- Who you are is just as important as what you do
- If God changes your heart, be willing to change your plans
- The key to gaining peace from God is full surrender. Letting go of your want to control, and trusting God completely. You may not see the importance of why things are happening, but God wants to see that you trust Him. Instead of holding on to your fear, doubt and insecurities, surrender.
- "Worry implies that we don't quite trust that God is big enough, powerful enough, or loving enough to take care of what's happening in our lives." Francis Chan
- It doesn't matter what you did, but what you're doing. Stop looking at your progress as a reason to take a break.
- Don't shrink back. Do it afraid.
- If it pulls you away from God, then it needs to go
- Spiritual awareness is important
- Never get to a place where you start to take on a prideful attitude. Always remember that the wisdom you have comes from God. It's Him not you.
- Many people have the capacity to be great, but lack the courage
- The best way to remain humble is to never get impressed with yourself.
- In order for God to show Himself strong in your life, you have to trust Him with a first step
- The only way to fix a problem is to face it.
- Fear is to satan what faith is to God
- When you point the finger at others, there are always 3 fingers pointing back at you
- Motivation gets you going...discipline keeps you growing
- Nothing ever goes away until it teaches you what you need to know
- God is not concerned with what you can do. He just wants you to be open so that He live through you (ayeeeee..that rhymes).
- Whatever you don't feed will die
- Stop micromanaging the seeds that God gave you to plant in people. Trust and allow Him to make them grow
- Keep your motives in check
- Begin with the end in mind
- It's not about what you can get, but what you can give
- Follow God even when you can't see the whole picture
- If you operate out of will power, you will eventually run out of power, but if you operate out of God's power, you'll overcome
- Success is not based on outcome, but on obedience to God
As I sit and reflect on my last night of being at the halfway point of 40, I realize that things have changed drastically in the last 365 days. Rewind back to a year ago, and I would’ve never imagined myself to be at the place that I am now. If I had to select one thing that I’m taking away from my 20th year of life, it would be to Trust God. Simple and cliche, I know, but this year has has taught me a lot of different things that relate back to that statement. Cheers to reaching the halfway point of 42. I can't wait to see the next steps of where God is taking me.
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