Wow, it's been a while since I've posted anything, but Happy New Year!! Life is good, and I'm happy to be alive. I apologize for not posting during these last few weeks, but I'm coming out of a 21 day fast, and I stepped away for a while. It was time to recharge, and really listen for God's voice to gain clarity on some things in my life, and I did. This was my first time ACTUALLY fasting and giving up foods that have a special place in my heart for more than a day. I'm a BIG fan, well actually I might be addicted to Qdoba's three cheese vegetarian nachos, along with pizza, and for 21 days, I told myself no in order to get closer to God. I cut out meat (this wasn't hard because I'm a pescetarian), dairy, sweets, bread, fried foods and pasta. Also, I didn't eat until 3 pm each day. Somedays I just ate this homemade organic peanut butter stuff, cashews, fruit, and Oats & Honey KIND bars (these are the picture). They're gluten free, and are also made with NON-GMO Ingredients. Yay for food that isn't toxic!! You can find them at Kroger.
As I reflect during these last few days of this fast, there were a lot of questions that I asked God, along with a lot of things that He showed me. It's so great to be intentional and really make an effort to put aside distractions like social media and tv; open up your bible more, pray more, and sit and listen for God's voice. I got a chance to reflect and ask God to help me get down to root of who I am, along with show me the good, the bad and the ugly that I might not be able to see within myself.
On the fourth day of my journey, a famous quote popped into my mind after I caved and ate a family sized bag of kettle corn in one sitting...
"It's not how you start that matters, but how you finish."
While I don't believe this applies to everything, I really believe it applies to life. Many people have the idea engraved into their minds that their life is like a 100m dash. If you start poorly in this race, you really don't have time to redeem yourself (unless you're Usain Bolt), and your bad start really weighs heavily on how you finish.
But life isn't like this at all. Especially when you find Jesus.
I can laugh at it now, but I felt horrible after I ate that popcorn. Just like we should feel when we sin. But I didn't allow that to trigger more bad behavior. I recognized that I messed up, I repented, and then I finished the journey. I didn't sit there and wallow in the fact that I had made a mistake, but I shifted to what the other 17 days were going to look like. I created goals, and went from there. Yes, you may make mistakes in life, but who doesn't? Get out of the mindset that your life is a 100m dash. We all fall short of God's standard along with the different goals we set for ourselves, but when you mess up, don't lie there and meditate on your mistakes. Get up and finish. If a person trips on the track during a 3200m run on their first lap, they still have 7 more laps to redeem themselves. If they focus on that fall for the rest of the race and allow defeat to creep into their mind, they won't do well. On the other hand, if they focus on getting back up and doing everything they can to recover lost time, they just might do it. So many times we fall down on the track of life and feel defeated. Instead of getting back up, we lie there allowing others to trample over us as they run by.
Philippians 4:8 says:
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
Notice the scripture doesn't say "if there be any failure, and if there be any mistakes, think on these things," because focusing on our failure will never help us move forward. Once you recognize your slip up, it's important to take action right away. If you've come out of an old habit, or set a goal for yourself, it's necessary to evaluate your behavior and ask yourself if it's pushing you closer to where you want to be. One of my goals for 2014 is to become more disciplined. To get up and do my homework when I have the energy instead of waiting until the last minute when I'm burnt out. Each morning, I do my best to write out a list of goals for myself. Before I go to sleep, I reflect and write down the good things along with the bad. If you don't hold yourself accountable, who will? Goals don't accomplish themselves.
Your mess ups, along with failures, can be a hard thing to deal with, but understand that it's apart of your growing process. Understand that there are people waiting on you to get back up and ask God to help you make a change for the better. No, it won't be instant, and yes, you'll make mistakes, but small steps are better than no steps. Failure is better than not trying at all, and God wants to use all of your mess to help someone else. So when you fall down on this track of life, make sure you don't lie there for too long. Look to God and dwell on the fact that He forgives, and while you may feel unworthy, He still wants to love you with an unconditional love no matter how many times you find yourself coming up short.